The journey is lonely at times and full of twists, turns and surprises. It's beautiful, too, even when bombs explode in your midst in the middle of the little known city of your birth, the place where the Guardian of Your Deepest Self placed you after tenderly and gingerly forming you. And, then you wake up as you notice that the blood of lost ones around you and on you is real blood that coursed in real arteries giving abundant and real life to a beloved soul; blood of immeasurable value to the Creator.
You probably just stand there alone in the middle of what you imagined as the road and suddenly notice how all of those are now gone and your life has changed somehow for the better even through the pain you just felt from the shrapnel in your thigh and from the loss of those you have known for a lifetime. And you look down at your hands, thinking why not me? Then you know that these hands are meant for more and are not your own but are for others and are meant for good, the original goodness that God intended for the world.
"Hosanna in the highest!" Palm Sunday, 2005 |
Nothing is lost when our journey is in the Heart of Mercy, inward and deeper,
even as the blood that dries on the floor and on the crosses, which were delicately
formed by deft hands by tenderhearted people. It was on Palm Sunday, 2017. Just like back in the day, it was a day of joy that led to a period of grief. It was a time of true knowing of what actually is. Jesus the Christ, our Savior gave up everything for us because he was awake to what is on the other side of that veiled thin space. It's a place of immeasurable awe and wonder, peace, joy and love. And the good hope you had won't be needed any more because you have arrived, you have found your way Home. This is when life really begins. This is what was intended for us. God IS Present (
ربنا موجود). God IS Love
(الله محبة)!
"God Is Love" |
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